Our Campaigns
To advance our collective goals, build upon the strength of each organization, and tackle the most urgent issues, the Feminist Peace Initiative has launched three campaigns to challenge militarized responses to climate change, provide a feminist alternative to the US-China rivalry, and create fora to discuss and realize a progressive feminist foreign policy agenda.

No War, No Warming: A Just Transition to a Regenerative Economy
“No War, No Warming” challenges militarized climate responses and calls attention to the climate impacts of war and militarism on frontline communities. Framing climate change as a “national security threat” supports increased military and police investments…

Feminist Counter to the Great-Power Competition
This initiative, anchored by Women Cross DMZ, offers an anti-militarist vision of security as the U.S.-China rivalry intensifies and further militarizes the Asia-Pacific region. Since 2015 when 30 women peacemakers crossed the Demilitarized Zone…

Feminist Nexus for Progressive Foreign Policy
Leveraging MADRE’s work to advance progressive foreign policy and integrate feminist global justice values into US policy discussions, we produce policy solutions rooted in the experiences of frontline communities to help…